A glimpse of my in's and out's, hilarious episodes and obsecurities of life, time travels and nostalgic flashbacks, fitness matters, touches of style, arduous moments and daily questionings. sneak in....I know you want to

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

South Africa here I come

The spring is here, or so it may seem at times.
The birds are singing and memories of Bambi flood my mind.
Unfortunately the weather is as unpredictable as ever, needless to say we remain hopefull.
As is the norm in Sweden. "Det kommer ordnar sig."
Like the nomad I am or the globe-trotter I claim to be, I am off to seek greener pastures.
And where could be better than my destination?  Yapp! the grass is greener on the other side so adios my friends Have a great easter.

Happy Easter all!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday smiles

Hi everyone,
I cannot stop smiling today, I have days planned to be spent in pure bliss.
I cannot stop smiling today after having read such a nice message from Steve Pohlit
and thus I send you all unconditional love hugs.
Pass it on.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Signs of spring

Ladies and Gentlemen................
I give you spring.....or atleast hints of it.
The lakes are thawed
warning signs are up
flowers are blooming
days linger longer....shimmers adorn te waters
bird are hopefull that leaves will return to the trees, they need privacy for crying out loud!
Have a lovely week end y'all

Friday, March 19, 2010

Join the conversation


What advice would you give to your younger self?

to my younger self......
trudge carefully.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Tuesday,

Happy Tuesday all,
Finally a hint of spring!
Birds chattering by dawn
Feeble sunlight streaming through my blinds,
and snow drops are bursting forth.
Two, to be precise but my little "garden"
is still in winter frost.
The dark days are behind us, I don't mind the frost one bit.

"Turn your wounds into wisdom "    
                  Oprah Winfrey 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Weekend

In seeking wisdom
thou art wise; 
In imagining that thou
hast attained it -
Thou art a fool. 


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

As I was driving the girls to school this morning, it suddenly occured to me that I couldn't see a thing.
It had gone from roaring winds and heavy snow storms to a perfectly blinding sunshine.
As blinding as it was I enjoyed every second and just soaked in the warm rays.  Life is GOOD!

Have a good one Y'all.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Förlåt dig själv/Forgive yourself

För allt du hatar hos dig själv - förlåt dig själv.
För allt du älskar hos dig själv - förlåt dig själv.
För allt du skäms över.
För allt du är stolt över.
För allt du dölja.
För allt du vill visa upp.
För allt som inte blev som det skulle.
För allt du är.
För allt du vill vara.

Förlåt dig själv     -    Jonas Gardell  (En Komikers Uppväxt)

For all the things you hate within you - forgive yourself.
For all that you love about you - forgive yourself.
For all the things that bring you shame.
For all that brings you pride.
For all the secrets you conceal.
For all that you will reveal.
For all the things that did not happen according to plan.
For all that you are.
For all that you will be.

Forgive yourself.

Embrace forgiveness, enjoy living! Have a nice day.........Cheers!

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