Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Vital breath
When it comes to unwinding after a long days work, many opt to head to the pub for a quick fix. Yes it's a quick fix which doesn't last very long, spending time with your mates may be fun and cocktails are fun too, but finding time to give your heart and brain a break is more important.
These 3 steps are perfect way to unwind, try them each day to reduce stress and tame tension.
Ten to 15 minutes of daily breathing practice by itself may help reduce cardiovascular disease risk by reducing blood pressure, relieving tension and easing the brain.The following are simple introductory breathing exercise.
1. Lie flat on your back and place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. (you could use a small pillow or a folded towel)
2. Take 10 to 15 slow deep breaths. Expand your abdomen during inhalation and contract your abdomen during exhalation, keep the chest as still as possible through out the breath.
3. Pause for a couple of seconds between inhalation and exhalation.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
the sun, the birds, the flowers and this beautiful picture melted my heart like butter on hot toast.
Enjoy your latte or whatever it is that makes your monday wow.
När morgonens sol genom rutan smyger, glad och försiktig,
lik ett barn, som vill överraska tidigt en festlig dag - då sträcker jag full av växande jubel
Öppna famnen mot stundande dag - ty dagen är du och ljuset är du, solen är du, och våren är du, och hela det vackra, vackra, vackra,
väntade livet är du!
Karin Boye
Suddenly Sunday
I chose to take it very slow, enjoy my latte and block off the nagging and chattering around me and welcome all with a soulfull smile.
Jag älskar dig - jag kan ej säga dig något annat som är mera djupt,
mer enkelt och mera stort!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Kärlek är för moralen,
Friday, April 17, 2009
Spring is here finally! I suggest you get off your couch and whip your backside into shape.
Obviously an individual's motivation or readiness for change is an important factor. The most important aspect however is knowing your body.
From here henceforth we will share step by step motivational procedures that keep us going.
As a trainer, I would say that physiccal testing and evaluation is key when stepping into the world of training for the first time or after illness, child-birth and injury.
You may frown all you like, but fitness testing and evaluation equips you, as a beginner, with information related to your current level of physical fitness. The more knowledge you possess the better position you are in to begin and maintain a safe and effective program and thus achieving great results!
The purpose may be any or all of the following:
1. To assess your fitness levels in relation to age and sex
2. To aid in the development of a safe and effective exercise program
3. To identify areas of health risks and consulting with an appropriate
health proffessional
4. To establish goals and provide motivation
5. To evaluate progress
Assessment measures the following components
Cardio respiratory efficiency: both at rest and during exercise
Muscular strength an endurance
Flexibility: both joint and muscle
Body composition:fat mass and lean body mass
The level of physical testing depends on the physical demands of an individual's optimal
1. Desire to achieve competitive athletic fitness level
2. The ability to confront unforseen emergencies
3. Desire to live a healthy lifestyle that supports ones daily activities.
To evaluate a training program's effectiveness over time a re-assessment should be performed.
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